A trademark search is a critical initial step for individuals and businesses seeking to protect their brands and intellectual property. Conducted before filing a trademark application, this search aims to identify existing trademarks that may
Checking trademark or brand names availability involves verifying if a proposed name is already in use or registered as a trademark by another entity. This process is crucial for businesses to avoid legal disputes and ensure their brand identity is unique and protectable. Online databases and professional services facilitate comprehensive searches across national and international registries to determine the availability of a brand name.
Lex N Tax offers trademark search online, trademark search worldwide, international trademark search which involves examining databases across multiple jurisdictions to assess the availability and uniqueness of a proposed trademark globally. This comprehensive process helps businesses ensure their trademark is not already registered or pending registration in any relevant market, minimizing the risk of infringement and legal disputes. Professional services and specialized online tools are essential for conducting thorough international trademark searches due to the complexity and diversity of trademark laws and regulations across different countries.
Timely and accurate preparation and filing of various GST returns, including GSTR-1 (for outward supplies), GSTR-3B (monthly summary return), GSTR-4 (for composition taxpayers), and GSTR-9 (annual return).
Reconciliation of input tax credits claimed by businesses with the GST returns filed by their suppliers to ensure accuracy, eligibility, and compliance with GST laws and regulations.
Comprehensive reviews and audits of businesses' GST compliance practices, records, and filings to assess accuracy, completeness, and compliance with GST laws and regulations
Expert advice, guidance, and consulting on various GST-related matters, including classification of goods and services, determination of taxable value, interpretation of GST laws and notifications, and resolution of GST-related queries and disputes.
Evaluation of businesses' GST compliance status, identification of potential risks, and assessment of internal controls and processes to mitigate risks, strengthen compliance, and improve GST governance.
Training sessions, workshops, and capacity-building programs to educate businesses, finance teams, and staff on GST fundamentals, compliance requirements, filing procedures, and best practices.
Representation before tax authorities, response to GST notices, audits, investigations, and assessments, and support during tax disputes and litigation.