Best Fixed Assets Audit Services In Delhi are characterized as the resources held to be utilized to deliver or giving products or benefits and are not held available to be purchased in the customary course of business which is relied upon to be held

Fixed Assets Audit Services in Delhi

Fixed Assets Audit

Best Fixed Assets Audit Services In Delhi are characterized as the resources held to be utilized to deliver or giving products or benefits and are not held available to be purchased in the customary course of business which is relied upon to be held being used for more than one bookkeeping period. In straightforward words, the actual check of the above is called Best Fixed Assets Audit Services In Delhi.
We at Lex N Tax Associates give the best Fixed assets audit inspecting arrangements and across India. Fixed assets audit, also known as a physical verification or inventory audit, is a systematic examination of a company's tangible assets to verify their existence, condition, location, and ownership. Fixed assets include land, buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles, furniture, and other long-term assets that are used in the operations of the business. The primary objective of a fixed assets audit is to ensure accuracy and reliability in the financial reporting of assets and to safeguard against mismanagement, theft, or loss.

A portion of the models are:

  • Structures and Furniture.
  • Apparatus and Equipment.
  • PC.
  • Vehicles.
In straightforward words, the actual check of the above is called Best Fixed Assets Audit Services In Delhi. We at Lex N Tax Associates give the best Fixed assets audit inspecting arrangements and across India.

Review Objective

  • To guarantee legitimate records identifying with fixed resources are being kept up.
  • To guarantee that lone capital costs are being promoted.
  • To approve the rightness, exactness, and fulfillment of deterioration determined and consistency of Schedule VII of Companies Act, 2013.
  • The consistency of pertinent IND AS relevant and of divulgence necessities according to Schedule III of Companies Act,2013.

Activities needed from the costumer

  • Subtleties of inside strategies and rules with respect to fixed resources and their deterioration.
  • Fixed resource register kept up by the customer and the highlights of fixed resources’ financial plan.
  • Duplicates of supporting archives/vouchers like buy demands demand citations, citations, near articulations, POs, solicitations, and so forth for the examples chose.
  • Get the rundown of approved individuals who can support the buy/removal of fixed resources at various phases of the buy or removal measures.
  • The actual confirmation register of the fixed resources kept up by the customer.

The cycle of Verification

  • Look at the inner strategies of the customer and investigate whether they are in accordance with the legal necessities or not. Best fixed assets audit services at Lex N Tax Associates.
  • Confirm whether the initial adjust being reflected in Financials and FAR are same as the end adjusts according to a year ago reviewed Financials.
  • Check the FAR for its fulfillment, rightness, and precision, and its consistency as per the Companies Act, 2013. (CARO 2016 prerequisites).
  • On the off chance that the resources are revalued, guarantee that the whole class of such fixed resources is revalued.
  • Guarantee revaluation increment/decline is changed against the Revaluation Reserve/Profit and Loss Account.


Direct the actual confirmation of fixed resources for guarantee the accompanying:

  • The actual presence of the resource.
  • Fixed resources are fittingly marked with the individual resource number for distinguishing proof.
  • Guarantee that resources are in working condition.
  • Insights about the number of best fixed Assets Audit Services in Delhi are enough caught in FAR.
  • There win legitimate controls to confine unapproved admittance to fixed resources.
  • The actual check of fixed resources is done at customary stretches by the administration.
  • Guarantee applicable fixed resources reviewing strategies.



  • Guarantee consistency with inner arrangements for acquisitions.
  • Guarantee that the genuine costs brought about are inside the assessed/anticipated financial plans.
  • Check the whole interaction of obtainment/acquisition of fixed resources for the examples chose with the narrative slivers of proof accessible for such buy.
  • The consistency of AS 10(Revised), AS 26, AS 16, and AS 12 while bookkeeping the fixed resource in books of records.
  • Lex N Tax Associates provides best fixed assets audit services in Delhi.


  • The consistency of interior arrangements for the removal of resources.
  • If there should be an occurrence of any significant piece of a fixed resource is arranged off guarantee that it doesn’t influence the going concern idea of the business.
  • Guarantee that any benefit/misfortune, if emerging from such removal is accurately determined and recorded in the books.
  • Deterioration on such resources arranged off is changed.
  • Fixed resources that are alleviated from being utilized effectively and is held available to be purchased will be recorded/noted at lower of Net Book Value and Net Realizable Value. Lex N Tax Associates one of the best option for Best fixed assets audit services in Delhi.


  • Deterioration is the proportion of decrease in esteem, wearing out and such different misfortunes in the estimation of the depreciable fixed resource emerging from the utilization, mileage, effluxion of time, or outdated nature through innovation or market changes.
  • Guarantee consistency of AS 10(Revised), AS 26 for computing deterioration.
  • Devaluation for acquisitions is determined on a supportive of rata premise.
  • Guarantee the consistency according to Schedule II of Companies Act, 2013 is agreed upon while computing the devaluation.
  • In the event that, there is any deviation from Schedule II prerequisites, the equivalent must be unveiled in notes to accounts.

Divulgence necessities

  • Guaranteeing that the fixed resources are characterized under the arrangements referenced in the Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013.
  • According to Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013, the beneath referenced subtleties are to be uncovered in regards to fixed resources in “notes to accounts”.
  • The gross estimation of each class of fixed resources toward the start and end of the revealing time frame. the helpful existence of the fixed resource.
  • Amassed deterioration of such quality till date devaluation charge during the year.
  • Subtleties of the acquisitions and removals during the year, if any deterioration identifying with such obtaining/removal independently.
  • Netblock of each class of the fixed resources toward the start and end of the detailing time frame.
  • Strategy for devaluation followed for charging deterioration and subtleties of the adjustment all the while if any during the year.
  • Deviation from the Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013 must be revealed as a piece of “notes to accounts”.
  • If there should arise an occurrence of the revaluation of the resource, specifics of resources revalued, a measure of such revaluation will be appeared for a time of a long time from the date of revaluation via a note in financials.
  • Change in bookkeeping strategy.
  • In the event that any elusive resource is amortized for a period surpassing 10 years, at that point, the elements supportive in deciding the resource’s helpful life on the other side of 10 years must be revealed in fiscal summaries.

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